Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fuel Saver?Technology With the price of gas and

Fuel Saver?Technology With the price of gas and petrol keep on escalating without any sign of relief and stopping, I felt desperate to seek a solution for this dilemma. So here goes my adventure into finding a solution. ? Back in 3 months ago, I was introduced to a Fuel Saver Gadget called Ispark.?A little background about this gadget. ? It came from Cheng, Melaka in Malaysia.? The manufacturer is a local in malaysia, venturing into this fuel saver technology Coach Sunglasses.? This gadget is by no mean a passing by fad or trying to rip someone off their hard earn money.? But the fact is, it really helps to save money, especially on fuel. ISpark is syncronym for Intelligent Spark Optimizer, invented by Advanced Research Technology Sdn Bhd Malaysia. In the beginning, i was a bit sceptical about this gadget, all the talk and promise on fuel saving. ? Can it really work? Is it worth the money? ? I decided to give it a trial run. And presto, it been 3 months since I first got acquainted with ISpark. Well it?was no spark at first sight. This gadget did not do anything to? my car. I did not get any fuel saving nor engine power boost. Well so much hype for this gadget. Well this was my first month experience with it.? But mine you, the 2nd and 3rd month was life changing to say.? On the 2nd month I started to get results. Yes Results.? Now I could get about 10% - 15% fuel saving and engine power boost.? I am so grateful I kept on with this gadget or I would has lost it.? ? Why was there no result the first month? According to the manufacturer, this gadget needs the first month to clean my car exhaust system from all the buildup carbon overtime.? Since the carbon has already been cleaned, now I am getting good fuel savings and engine boostup. So what is this gadget all about. ? Let me introduce to you ISpark, The Fuel Saver Technology. ? Look at this gadget. ? The Fuel Saver Technology ?It is so simply to install into your vehicle. Just plug it into your cigarette lighter socket and you are ready to go. Yes it is so simple. How it works? Well for one, I am no techno nor a car expert nor specialist. I gathered info that this gadget actually enhance the electrical system of your car, especially the car battery and the spark plug. Mostly our car battery doesnt provide the full power to fireup the spark plug with?consistent and stable voltage for combustion of the fuel. This is because of the Back Emf effect that reduced the voltage of the battery.? As such fuel is not burned efficiently, causing much hydrocarbon discharge and polluting the environment. This is what you called, wastage of good fuel. As such we waste our hard earn money on this wastage Dolce & Gabbana Sunglasses.? As this gadget stabilise the voltage of your car engine, what you get is fuel saving and engine power boost.? Well all this mambo jumbo.? One thing I know is that, the best test for this gadget is to plug one into your car and try it out for 3 months. Yes, this is the best test.? There are many things in life we could not really understand the mechanics of it, but we can testify of the goodness and the good results we get from it. That in itself is suffice to say. Here is the benefit claimed by this gadget: Power Booster 3-28%Fuel Saver 5-21%HydroCarbon(HC) Reduced 40%-60%Carbon Monoxide Reduced 3%-10%Voltage StabilizerBrighter Headlight It also works as a battery doctor or monitor. There is a lighted led on this gadget that indicate the health of the vehicle battery. Green light means all OK. Red light means battery not OK - need checkup. No light means the gadget is faulty. Real neat. There is 2 version to this gadget. Ispark v3.9 is for vehicle that is 1300cc and above and Ispark v3.8 is for vehicle that is below 1300cc. This gadget comes with the proper certifications from Malaysia and Singapore. It is also insured by AVIVA insurance for RM1 million. Yes, this is what i call using it with confidence. You are insured. Yeah. Further to that, you are covered with a One Year Replacement Warranty. What more can you ask for. I am now a believer of this product. That is why i decide to market this product and I actually have a website set up dedicated to everyone who wants to save fuel and money. Go to and see the site for yourself. You will get all your answer and be a believer to this. Well, all the best to your new acquaintance to ISpark fuel Saver Armani Sunglasses. May you experience sweet encounter with this wonderful gadget.Article Tags: Fuel Saver, Fuel Saving, Engine Power, Light Means

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