Sunday, January 16, 2011

Democrat by staying home and not voting simply because

Democrat by staying home and not voting simply because of religious bigotry -- because they refuse to admit that a Mormon is a Christian.
Yes, I have deliberately used the word "bigot" and "bigotry," because that is exactly what it is. I know that we have now decided that there
is a whole list of words that we can't use for fear of "offending" someone. I know that we have Office 2010 is powerful!
decided that sticks and stones don't hurt us,
but words do. All that PC bull has curtailed our ability to express ourselves in clear and understandable English. When you single out one outlook 2010 is so great!
particular Christian sect and decide to write them out of Christianity, that is religious bigotry. I am not talking about a true cult. We all
know what they are, and who they are, so don't bother trying to throw that red herring into this discussion, the LDS church is NOT a cult.visio 2010

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