Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You create things in here(your mind) when you see

Visualize yourself at your prototypical weight. Focus on your slim and stalky body, your voluptuous legs. Imagine yourself living a dynamic, lively life. Would you be bingeing yourself to death?
Make that clear-cut visualization of your prototypical self a quotidian practice until you find it actually undemanding to see yourself as stringy, stalwart and bewitching. Next time you feel like wolfing down a total sepia cake, shift your mind to that stalky body and voluptuous legs.
When I gained the ice* weight during menopause, it was dishy toilsome for me to believe that I could get back to a size 4. I kept thinking: "I am over 50 and my body is peculiar instanter. The hormonal changes are making it toilsome for me almost on one what I was in my twenties." Then I realized I was using the tantamount excuse that I used after my pregnancy: "mothers are supposed to gain weight."
We tend to rely on generally accepted assumptions to make our decisions and manifold of these assumptions are mistaken. Do you know that your body can be sculpted the way you want it? You are 99% water and quantum space and the body as you see it is NOT cast in stone or flesh. What's manifold is that what you see is created a shot optical cortex in the rear of your skull from a web of synthetical and electrical charges in your brain. And the optical pattern created by your optical cortex is peculiar from the pattern created by mine or someone else's. You do not see things that are expired expert. You create things in here(your mind) when you see.

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