Sunday, March 27, 2011

have been detrimental to the Mausoleum

Chapter XV of the body of the tomb of the emperor Even the stars say hello Stuart Tianzuo said: 'Stuart brothers, you see. " Stuart Tianzuo along the direction of the fingers looked even stars, but also the hearts of a large odd, do not understand why the blood flow to that stone bed under the? Two come to that stone bed in front, on the visual look, and then both sides were to seize the stone bed, a pull force will pull that Shi Chuang Shu Zhang. A shiny black stone bed below the hole out there. About a hole ten feet square that looked Jing Si is made of artificial cutting. That ray of the blood was flowing down slowly down the hole inside. Even the stars slowly raised his head and said: 'This is perhaps the hole into the tomb of the day where child. " Szeto days Zouch Road: "You mean that an emperor buried there?" Even Star nodded and said: 'Yes, here is the dragon sleeps, the buried nature of the statue is the Ninth. " Stuart Tianzuo still puzzled, and said: 'be here Qiongshanwushui, where the king of the air? " Even the stars slowly said: "This is now Qiongshaneshui, but before Feng shui must be a good place. This is called the seven ancient capital of Kaifeng, the Warring States period of Wei, during the Five Dynasties Later Liang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later Zhou Dynasty and the Song and Jin dynasties all have been here seven capital. This is the one near the Kaifeng Fusion of the dragons, feng shui, the General Assembly hall. Where the tomb of the emperor, will be when the four spirits respective fields. Its shape will basaltic nutation, Suzaku Xiang Wu, Dragon winding, overlooking the white tiger trainer. After the funeral, said that if "the form of anti-this, the method when breaking dead", in which the title of that dead tiger squatting, squat that the envy Dragon Lord, who refused to basaltic body does not sag, Suzaku does not go dancers Teng. The four forms have been detrimental to the Mausoleum.

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