Sunday, March 13, 2011

perhaps this should not happen this is a tragedy

Alleged illegal operation of local government
Each time after the earthquake, the government must arrange for every house safety inspectors to enter a building disaster, careful analysis of the building after the earthquake safety, and according to different indicators for the building of three different colors of labels affixed. Among them, Green said the building safety; yellow for building cracks and needs to be reinforced and maintained; red for dangerous buildings, and forbids any person to enter.
New Zealand archival material found in the local media that after the earthquake last September, CTV building was labeled green label, which means that the building is safe. However, the disclosure of New Zealand's national radio news that last year the building safety check CTV is a private company is not qualified.
Media doubt that this incident from the back of the building collapse may involve the illegal abuse of power. Local political analysts say, because the incumbent mayor Bob Parker, a major earthquake last year, it won the outstanding performance in the election. The earthquake is likely to be his Waterloo.
Zhu Yu survivors student after hearing the news is very exciting, "President Taylor is our very, very good person, I can guarantee he is a good man, he was tricked by the private companies." UGG Kensington
She muttered, perhaps this should not happen this is a tragedy.

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