Tuesday, March 15, 2011

show up the disdain

Xing Fu Jie followed a blessing, no expression. Aoki back a ceremony: "The two sects is calling an expert?" Easy flow, said: "Although it is in name only and then later other leaders of sects spacious, but are actually leaders to teach his wife to stay granted membership, the latest scholarship into a return to the door division." Aoki color moving slightly and said: "Ms. Du Jinling Yuhuatai in the Council, has publicly mentioned two things, true and false when Sri Lanka is unknown, can not think it's true, but so soon apprenticeship, and two deep research world First Masterpieces - Zifu Cheats, skills will be jumped to when the next arena, HC exhibition will see you! " Easy flow slightly smiles: "Master I am flattered!" Aoki and asked: "What message do not know two?" Easy passage: "spacious head carved whereabouts uncertain, it is the leader of this message to his wife." Aoki smile: "God in the name of Ms. Du riding trip, and no less than Wei leader, and Ms. Du words, leaders and representatives of more than sufficient, Pindao listen." Is a positive color flow easily: "The Lady's message is simple, or ask the head of the second trip why not visit our spacious open government, so the next to consult a credentialed." Aoki smile: "It has been little reason to only have said the." Easy flow binocular eyes opened: "The head of the next only accept the answer." This is Yung Ching: "The interpretation of Pindao still the same." Easy flow smiled: "Master is not included in the name of that trip spacious door of the column, show up the disdain?"

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