Sunday, March 13, 2011

purpose and the Island of course

'd Work for the troops of the training mbt shoesand consolidation has brought a lot of convenience. So transferred from other field army commanders and fighters at all levels and backbone, all of the military to find the legendary Huai Island, is commonly known as the Liberation Army of God's people express amazement, admiration. We are surprised at finding Africa in the Kuomintang army in the Huai great influence.
At the end of the seventh in the Second Field Army's reorganization, the search field army reorganization Huai Island hosted the seventh work come to an end. Search Huai Island People's Liberation Army formally resigned from the post commander of the Third Field Army, Deputy Commander of the Central Military Commission Instruction Field Army chief of staff from the Seventh Chapter VII of the field army commander took over Zuo Quan, also appointed the former deputy chief of staff of the Third Field Army, as the seventh Wang Yunrui field army chief of staff.
This time for the transfer of personnel, the number Actually, I'm suspicious of everyone, after all, we all know, search Huai Island as a deputy commander of the PLA Chief of Staff, can not long presided over the small scale of the PLA in the daily work of the seventh field army, the original seeking part-time appointment of the seventh field army commander of the Huai River Island is nothing more than to use his enormous prestige in the Kuomintang army, and his profound understanding of adaptation of the Kuomintang troops, to ensure the smooth adaptation of the seventh field army, and now adapted the successful completion of the work, look Huai have served its purpose and the Island of course.

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