Thursday, March 10, 2011

attended the meeting led the enlarged CMC meeting

And as the end of 2041, Germany and Japan in the north of the Volga River Caspian things return in triumph, Japan has fully achieved the strategic and operational initiative on the present, the Japanese combat missions in the Far East has not heavier.
Japan just wipe out the Soviet Union in the Volga and Ural rivers, less than one million between the forces fighting the Soviet Union to an end, and the territory west of the Volga river to the German occupation, so the Japanese would be less from the Soviet Far East from the release of more than a half million troops, plus half a million Japanese troops attacked the Middle East, the current thirty thousand troops in Outer Mongolia, as well as the Kwantung Army in Northeast China, nearly half a million troops, the Japanese suddenly can gathered in the northern front, more than 2.3 million troops.
Meanwhile, there are a half million Japanese troops home, the strength of the Japanese occupation of Indochina has reached thirty million people, the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia, the Philippines and Indonesia, Myanmar, the military also reached the South Forty million people, with the Japanese in the Pacific islands into the nearly hundred thousand troops.
The face of such a powerful Japanese force, the Chinese army was a myth you want to compete independently.
Is the domestic private is increasingly hazy, when an argument pessimism, look back to the Chongqing Huai Island. Almost did not disturb anyone in the case of the Central Military Commission on headlong into a secret command center in Chongqing. He began to plot the world after the end of the world's history.
The second one when the first eight chapters of a forage
Search Huai Island back to Chongqing, the same day, and the President to the secret command center at the Central Military Commission held in the Chamber of Secrets a long private conversation. No one knows the contents of the talks, but talks, seeking to stay in the Huai River Island started planning the command room, the process of North-South war situation.
December 18, 2041, military thinking and understanding in order to unify and coordinate further military operations, the CMC was held in Chongqing, an enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission, Army Field Army led over all participants, so the line of several field army corps level leadership for the first time participants.
For all surprise, has never attended the CMC meeting, in the military too seem very mysterious line corps, this too came to participants of the Field Army Corps line leadership is actually the largest field army.
Other Field Army and Navy and Air Force participants generally is, is deputy commander, and deputy political commissar, chief of staff of five plus.
However, the Taihang Corps In addition to searching the Huai Island that serve as commander and political commissar of the Military Commission-level leadership, the deputy commander of the king, such as ignorance, deputy political commissar Peng Dry Hill, chief of staff of the king, such as ignorance, armored force commander Xu LIDAR, Mountain Force Commander Qin Weichang, artillery commander Xu Ruyun, airborne Force Commander Zhang Hanyang, strategies such as artillery commander of the morning is too much above the line of the preparation of Army Corps, attended the meeting led the enlarged CMC meeting.

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