Friday, April 15, 2011

All it took was one carefully crafted question from veteran

All it took was one carefully crafted question from veteran CP newsman Keith Leslie about the actor’s reputation for smoking on-stage for reporters to speedily move off the jail story the Tories have been pushing around like a dog with a bone Christian Dior Sunglasses. Fair enough, when the Tories first came up with a story that the government has been paying for premium cable service for jailbirds, it was kind of sexy. But it turned out to be surprisingly thin — especially when we discovered it was the previous Tory government that had brought in the premium service — at a cost of $71,000 — to make up for the lack of programs in jails. It’s not like prisoners in provincial jails are hardened criminals. They’re people who’ve been given sentences less than two years less a day. When the Tories lamented on the second day that prisoners were taking yoga and creative writing courses it was vaguely interesting. Then we found out the programs were put on by volunteers — and you started to wonder just what the Tories wanted us to do with people convicted of minor crimes. Lock them up and throw away the key? I’m probably the toughest law-and-order type around, but even I believe you have to provide some kind of rehabilitation to prisoners Oakley Sunglasses Cheap. Was I ticked that we paid for convicted killer Karla Homolka to get a university degree? You bet. But she was in a federal prison. For young people especially, who’ve been convicted of a petty crime, surely the aim of prison should be to re-educate that person so they can return to society with some skills so they don’t re-offend. If a group of nuns volunteer to do that, shouldn’t we all applaud, rather than tut-tut? Sheen’s show “My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not An Option Show” is at Massey Hall Thursday and Friday. Best encouraged him to call the government hotline number for help. As one wag pointed out, though, this province has a big enough deficit as it is. Can we really afford to bail out Sheen’s multitude of well-publicized substance abuse issues? Still, Sheen’s now joined the laundry list of celebrities who’ve run afoul of laws in Toronto the Good. Rolling Stone guitarist Keith Richards performed a charity concert for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind in reparation for his 1978 conviction for heroin possession. Sean Penn got off with a warning, but a hotel was fined $600 for allowing him to light up at Toronto’s film festival. And federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, when he was provincial attorney general, mused about banning rapper Eminem because of his misogynist lyrics. Anyway, Charlie, the good news is this: If you do get busted here — for whatever — the premier cable package has been cut, but you can still have a nun teach you yogaArnette Sunglasses. Is this a great place, or what?

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