Thursday, April 14, 2011

Los Angeles is one of the gayest cities in America

"Los Angeles is one of the gayest cities in America, and the message I'm getting from many is that they are no longer Kobe Bryant fans," Zeigler said. "You can't use that word and get away with it anymore, because the gay community is just tired of hearing it." While Bryant eventually said many things to many different outlets and organizations Wednesday, the main focus was on his initial statement issued by the Lakers in which he said Fendi Sunglasses, "My actions were out of frustration during the heat of the game, period. The words expressed do NOT reflect my feelings toward the gay and lesbian communities and were NOT meant to offend anyone." Although Bryant obviously found the caps key, did he find real regret? Zeigler said that he could not find an apology in there, nor a real reason why Bryant was using that word. "When I am in the heat of battle, and I get upset, that word has never come out of my mouth," Zeigler said. "It came out of Kobe's mouth for a reason. Clearly, he thinks using that word is demeaning. It's the worst thing you can be called in the sports world, because many people there think being gay is the worst thing in the world you can be." There has been no indication that Bryant is one of those people, and even Zeigler said, "I would never call him a raging homophobic Roberto Cavalli Sunglasses; I don't know what's in his heart." In fact, shortly before Wednesday's overtime victory against the host Sacramento Kings, Bryant apparently called Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a civil rights organization working for equality for all sexualities, and apologized more pointedly. "At the end of a difficult day, I applaud Kobe for coming forward and taking responsibility for his actions," Solmonese said in a statement. Whatever words followed that initial statement, Bryant now needs to support them with action, and riding that float sounds like a great idea. If Bryant thinks that is not really an NBA thing, was he not watching in February when the Clippers hosted an Equality Night for Equality California, a lesbian, gay Ferragamo Sunglasses, bisexual and transgender civil rights group? Said Zeigler: "Kobe is an adult, he's a role model, he knows better."

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