Sunday, April 3, 2011

One of the most popular questions I'm asked

One of the most popular questions I'm asked is "HOW do I build my ezine list?" or "How do I get more people to sign up for Versace Sunglasses, my ezine list?"

There is NO magic pill to building your ezine list!

Please read the above sentence again. 

Trust me, if a magic pill did exist, I would have found it.There are hundreds, if not thousands, of ways you can build your ezine list.? Today, we're going to cover 7 of the lowest cost, highest impact strategies: 1: Send an email to everyone you KNOW announcing your newsletter and telling them how they can sign up if interested (do not overdo this and send only to those people you have a Bvlgari Sunglasses,relationship with

2: Post thoughtful, relevant comments on other's blogs or social media "walls" (such as Facebook) to drive traffic to your website or squeeze page.

3: Make signing up for your newsletter a simple process by having opt-in boxes on all pages of your website and/or having a squeeze page -- remember not all your website visitors will get to your site through your "home" page.

4: Offer a valuable, information-packed free gift to make it a "no brainer" for people to sign up and, whenever possible, include a graphic of your f'ree giveaway item so people see it as *real*.

5: Write great testimonials for those people you respect and have learned from.? They will then post your info on THEIR website driving yet more traffic to you.

6: Article marketing.? If you aren't yet doing this, you're working MUCH harder than you need to be!

7: Use your email signature as a sign-up tool for your newsletter by indicating the results you get your clients and including a link to get your free gift.

Here's two more ezine list building strategies for you as a bonus:

8. Sprinkle testimonials throughout your website or include on your squeeze/opt-in page.? As noted above, you can't control where someone will come in to your website and you want to ensure that you have the best Gucci Sunglasses, chance possible of capturing their information.

9. Give and promote teleseminars. Teleseminars are one of the quickest, easiest ways to grow your ezine list -- and helped me double my list in a few short months.

Each one of the above ezine list building strategies is simple to implement and many of them are automatic processes once set up.

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